Customer support

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*Use the “Report a Website Problem” feature to report technical issues you experience with the website. Technical issues may include (i) broken or unresponsive links such as 404 or 403 errors, (ii) unexpected page timeout (iii) ability to view information where you are not authorized. Do not report a website problem if are experiencing login issues, Two Factor Authentication (2FA) issues, or if you have general questions about using the website which should all be submitted as a “General Inquiry”. Reported website issues will be reviewed immediately. Depending on the impact of the issue, it may take up to 10 business days for us to resolve the issue. If you are still experiencing the issue within 10 business days and/or this request is urgent, please contact

If you need to send files, please email your request and file to for employee requests or for employer requests.

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You can expect to get an email from a Ubiquity consultant within a few days. In the meantime, feel free to explore our help center if you need answers to a specific question.
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