It’s time to wake up! There’s a looming retirement crisis in America, and it’s going to take more than our government to fix these broken eggs. Let’s put it this way. We’re going to get scary, then we’re going to discuss what the heck we’re going to do about the mess.

Did you know?

  • 46% of Americans have less than $10,000 saved for their retirement
  • 29% have less than $1,000 saved
  • $6.6 TRILLION SHORT, American workers are falling drastically short of what they need to retire
  • 20% of all bankruptcies happen to those age 55 and older
  • 74% of us believe that we are going to need to work until we’re dead

Now if those statistics aren’t startling, you obviously don’t fall into any of those categories. However, if that startled the stuffing out of you, it’s time to really start considering how we’re going to get out of this mess.

Broken Eggs: The Looming Retirement Crisis in America is a hard-hitting and feature-length documentary film covering everything from the Pension crisis to Social Security insolvency, and more. It’s a multi-generation film, covering the stories of real people who are struggling with saving, are retired and aren’t making it, along with the policy makers and shakers in Washington D.C.

The thing is, we need to promote this conversation and get people really thinking about the issues. We all owe it to ourselves, our future selves, and everyone we share this country with to get involved.

That means you, your friends and family, me, everyone.