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Retirement Calculator

How much should you be saving for your retirement? What will your savings be worth when you retire? If you put away a little more each pay period, how big of an impact will that have down the road? What will happen if you withdraw some of your retirement savings early?

Use the calculator below to answer these questions with concrete numbers.

First, tell us a little bit about yourself

Your 401(k) balance at retirement  (Age __)
Investment returns
Employer match
You will need about
/ month
Your 401(k) will provide
/ month
Your age
Your annual income
Current 401(k) balance
Advanced settings
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About this calculator

Using Ubiquity’s 401(k) calculator

Employers adopting new SIMPLE, 403(b), or 401(k) plans are now required to include an auto-enrollment feature that sets participants up to contribute 3% of their total compensation toward retirement each year. These contributions will automatically increase by 1% per year to a maximum of 10%.

Employees still retain the right to opt out if they desire, though very few workers actually do. Existing plans will be grandfathered, meaning nothing has to change at the moment.

Non-exempt 401(k) plans established by December 29, 2022 must include automatic enrollment by December 1, 2025.

401(k) contribution calculator

The original SECURE Act required that long-term, part-time workers become eligible for retirement plan participation if they have worked 500+ hours per year over the last three plan years, starting in 2021. Secure 2.0 goes one step further, shortening the period from three to two years, beginning in 2025.

401(k) withdrawal calculator

Previously, Americans age 72 and older must begin taking distributions from their retirement plans. This age increased from 70.5 under the original SECURE Act, starting in 2020. However, over a quarter of seniors ages 65-74 are still participating in the workforce, as well as 6.6% of those age 75 and older.

But now under Secure 2.0, Americans may delay taking distributions in the following ways:

For individuals who reach age 72 after December 31, 2022, and reach age 73 before January 1, 2033, they must start taking distributions at age 73
For individuals who reach age 74 after December 31, 2032, they must start taking distributions at age 75

401(k) penalties

Many people want to contribute more as retirement draws near. Participants in 401(k) and 403(b) plans are able to make additional catch-up contributions of $7,500 starting at age 50. This helps late starters save quicker, above and beyond the annual limit.

Beginning in 2025, plan participants will have the option to increase catch-up contributions from the current $6,500 to $10,000 per year for those ages 62, 63, and 64. At age 65, the $6,500 allowance returns. These figures may be adjusted for cost-of-living increases.

401(k) taxes

Effective January 1, 2024, participants with over $145,000 in income will only have the option to contribute their catch-up as Roth – meaning that plan participants pay taxes on them now, but pay no taxes at withdrawal time.

Effective immediately upon adoption, plan sponsors may offer employees the option to put their matching contributions into Roth accounts.

Lost employer contributions

While the original SECURE Act made it easier for small business employers offering 401(k)s to band together in a single plan, Secure 2.0 makes 403(b) plans eligible to participate in Multiple Employer Plans (MEPs). Professional service providers take over the administrative burden, rather than individual employers.

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